You’ve Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers

Q: What is xylitol and what are its benefits?

A: Xylitol is a natural sweetener found in natural sources. It is also produced in the human body as a byproduct of normal metabolism. It’s scientifically known as a “sugar-alcohol,” but is actually sugar-free. Because of this, we use it to sweeten our products. With a low glycemic index, xylitol doesn’t spike your blood sugar levels. This helps control your glycemic index and obesity. It’s also been shown to stimulate your immune system, digestion, lipid, and bone metabolism.

The xylitol used in our product is of the highest quality possible. It is a pharmaceutical grade, meaning it must be more than 99.95% pure, and is made from non-GMO (non-genetically modified organism) corn fibers. It does not contain any of the corn grain and it is tested to ensure that no corn allergens, mycotoxins, or corn proteins of any type are in the product.

Q: Do you offer international shipping?

A: Unfortunately we do not. As a small business, our team is already busy at work shipping all over the U.S. As of now, shipping internationally is not something we are able to offer.

Q: What sizes and flavors do you offer for purchase?

A: Our nuts are made in 4oz small batches. Currently, we offer almonds, pecans, and walnuts in 3 different flavors: ginger, pumpkin, and naked.

Q: Are Cynful Snax safe for pets?

A: NO. Cynful Snax is sweetened with an ingredient called xylitol. This sweetener is harmful to pets and can make them very ill. Please do not feed your pets our nuts, and make sure to store them in a secure place out of their reach.

Q: Do you offer free samples?

A: Yes! If you visit our homepage and fill out your information in the form that says “FREE SAMPLE,” you can choose any product you’d like to come free with your next purchase.

Q: Why is xylitol bad for pets?

A: Although The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed xylitol’s safety for human consumption; the same cannot be said when it comes to dogs, cats, and birds. Xylitol can be derived from either birch bark or non-GMO corn fibers. Unfortunately, consuming birch sugar can lead to dangerously low blood sugar levels in canines and felines, which can be fatal, according to the FDA. In birds, Xylitol can cause pancreas and liver failure, even in minute quantities. In humans, xylitol does not stimulate insulin creation, which is responsible for controlling blood sugar levels. In other species, however, even a small amount of this sugar can trigger a large insulin release or other harmful symptoms.

Cynful Snax uses a product that is derived from non-GMO corn fibers, but we emphasize the importance of not giving your dogs any product that contains xylitol.

Q: What are the symptoms of Xylitol poisoning in animals?

A: Symptoms of xylitol poisoning include:

  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Confusion
  • Weakness
  • Unconsciousness
  • Seizures

Symptoms can appear anywhere from 10 minutes to 24 hours after consuming xylitol, so veterinary monitoring is necessary if you think your dog has been poisoned.

Xylitol is perfectly safe for humans but harmful to dogs. Be careful before you feed any people food to your pet — and be sure to read the labels.

Q: What should you do if your dog ingests xylitol? When should you call for help?

A: According to VCA Hospitals, you should call your vet or the Pet Poison Helpline at 1-800-213-6680 immediately if you know or think your dog has ingested xylitol. VCA Hospitals also advises against making your dog vomit or giving anything to your dog without consulting your veterinarian.

Some final thoughts on pets and xylitol: Better to be safe than sorry When it comes to xylitol, you can never be too cautious. Even a small amount can be highly toxic to your pets, so you’ll want to be sure they can’t get access to things like gum, mouthwash, candy, and other sugar-free human foods. If you have children, be sure that they also understand that there are certain foods that should never be shared with their furry friends, which will help ensure that your pets stay safe, sound, and xylitol-free.

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